Archive for December 14, 2009

Going Green

It feels like forever since I’ve last posted; yet, I did this morning. I think this is due to fact that this day seems like an eternity. That’s what happens when you sit at your computer for an entire day writing about a fictional religion, I suppose. I just want this day to end so I can put my exams in the past and be d.o.n.e. with studying!

My Monday in a NUTshell:

  1. write while listening to ‘Winter Song’
  2. eat carbs
  3. write while listening to ‘Winter Song’
  4. eat carbs
  5. write while listening to ‘Winter Song’
  6. eat carbs

Thrilling, write right? Finally, around 5:30pm I made a break for the gym at my complex and did a record-breaking 20 minutes on the treadmill. I had planned to do more (promise), but when the cubicle of the place that it is suddendly became full of residents, I didn’t hesitate to run home for dinner.

I knew I needed a “detox” dinner after what I ate today (not going to go there), so out came the greens.  What’s more detoxifying that a big bowl of spinach?

(raw baby spinach, avocado, cucumber, red onion, olive oil & balsamic + pepper…in a festive red bowl of course!)

So close to finishing this ridiculous paper…

Have a nice night,

~ Hillary

December 14, 2009 at 6:55 PM 4 comments

“This is my winter soul to you.”

Do you ever have those nights where you go to bed hungry starving and all you dream about is breakfast? Maybe that’s just me. Well, last night was one of those nights. I was having a difficult time falling asleep; all I wanted was to snap my fingers and have it be breakfast time!

Fast forward 8 hours later…

Obviously, after all that thinking I knew what I would be having for my first meal of the day. Today’s breakfast was inspired by Kath, who never fails to create a unique bowl of oatmeal.  Several times she has topped her hearty oats with a baked good (most often a muffin) that her husband brought home from the bakery where he works. (Think ya know what’s next?) Yes, you’re right…I topped my oats with none other than a Carrot Raisin Bran Muffin.

  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup oats (switched it up!)
  • dollop of cinnamon apple sauce
  • 1 crumbled muffin
  • (more) cinnamon
  • splash of soymilk

Here’s to me being more adventurous : )

No final exams today, which means another full day of studying – ick. I plan to finish up my paper while listening to Winter Song (Sara Bareilles & Ingrid Michaelson) on repeat…

Hope your week is off to a great start – studying, working, EATING…

~ Hillary

December 14, 2009 at 9:39 AM 6 comments

The journal of a college girl living a healthy life one step at a time.

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December 2009